CWHC offer a full range of services for all projects dealing with Aboriginal or historic heritage.
Aboriginal cultural heritage is protected under the Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Act 2016 and it is an offence to knowingly harm that heritage.
CHMPs are legally- required documents that must be prepared in order to manage known or potential Aboriginal cultural heritage issues for a wide range of different development types within Victoria. CWHC can provide expert advice on whether a CHMP is required for a particular development and can undertake all aspects of preparing these plans, including fieldwork, traditional, owner and other stakeholder consultation, government liaison, report production and the development of sensible and workable recommendations. We pride ourselves on providing honest advice and developing creative and cost-effective solutions for our clients. All CWHC team members are qualified heritage advisors listed on the Aboriginal Victoria maintained List of Heritage Advisors. Click here to view online. |
Due Diligence/risk assessment reports |
It may be appropriate in certain circumstances to prepare a due diligence/risk assessment for particular projects, for example:
Due diligence/risk assessments are smaller in scale, quicker and cheaper than preparing a CHMP and, where it is deemed appropriate, may be recommended by CWHC as a preliminary step in determining if a further cultural heritage assessment is required. Legally avoiding the preparation of a CHMP will result in significant time and financial savings to the client. However, if the due diligence/risk assessment indicates that a CHMP is required, much of the cost of the initial assessment will be offset by not recharging for tasks already undertaken as part of that process during the preparation of the CHMP. |
Preparation of Conservation Management Plans (CMP) |
State and local government legislation ensures that all historic heritage in Victoria is adequately protected. All developments that will impact on historic heritage require a permit, the conditions of which are likely to require an archaeological investigation, which must be undertaken by a qualified historical archaeologist, and preparation of a detailed report.
CWHC team members are qualified historical archaeologists listed on the Heritage Victoria maintained Consultant and Contractor Directory and have considerable experience in historical archaeological investigations. View online directory here. |
Aboriginal and historic archaeological excavations |
CWHC are experts in undertaking both small and large-scale archaeological excavations. Our team members are experienced in detailed, fine-scale hand excavation as well as managing the excavation of large-areas using earth moving machinery and mechanical sieves.
All excavations are carried out using the latest equipment and technology and all mapping is done to the highest standards using an in-field digital GPS and office-based GIS system. |
Archaeological salvage excavation & the implementation of CHMP recommendations |
The recommendations contained within a CHMP may include a number of requirements to be implemented before, during and after the completion of works associated with a particular development.
These may include the salvage excavation of identified Aboriginal cultural heritage places, the analysis and reporting of the recovered Aboriginal cultural materials, setting aside heritage areas to be protected, the repatriation and reburial of recovered Aboriginal cultural materials, staff heritage inductions, etc. CWHC can assist with all aspects of this process, from the preparation of heritage induction handouts for staff to large-scale, open-area mechanical salvage excavation programmes. |
Specialist artefact
CWHC offer specialist artefact analysis services for:
Dr Christine Williamson is a recognised expert on the identification and analysis of Aboriginal and historic artefacts, has published widely on these topics and taught both subjects at University level. Christine regularly undertakes specialist artefact analyses for and provides expert advice to other heritage consulting firms and CWHC staff have been engaged by other consulting firms to manage the artefact processing component of a number of large-scale archaeological projects. |
Teaching, training and heritage inductions |
CWHC offer:
CWHC has developed a series of training manuals and teaching modules on the identification, analysis and recording of Aboriginal and historic artefacts. This training has been provided to Aboriginal community representatives, staff of other heritage consulting firms and staff from Aboriginal Victoria in the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Cultural heritage inductions have also been prepared and delivered for industry and government clients as part of the implementation of CHMP recommendations. |
Government and stakeholder consultation, Traditional Owner liaison and meeting facilitation |
Victorian Aboriginal heritage legislation ensures that Aboriginal people have a significant say in how their heritage is managed. Traditional Owners are involved in all stages of the preparation of due diligence reports and CHMPs and in some areas of Victoria are the final decision makers over the approval of CHMPs and the recommendations they contain.
CWHC has a proved track record in effective and harmonious liaison and consultation with Traditional Owner groups. In addition, CWHC can handle all necessary consultation with other stakeholders and relevant government agencies and facilitate any required meetings with these groups. |